Cliffside Villages at Waipio AOAO
AOAO's Governing
Documents, Forms and Newsletters Moving to Front Steps - September 2022
AOAO's governing documents, forms and newsletters currently available on this website will be migrated to Front Steps.
As of September 30, 2022, the above documents will be removed from this site. Owners
are urged to enroll in the Cliffside Villages at Waipio's Front Steps application by that time.
Notice to Owners -- Front Steps Enrollment in-progress
Your Cliffside Villages at Waipio's Board of Directors and Hawaiiana
Management invites Owners to enroll in our Front Steps portal.
this portal you will be able to: - See your account balance and pay
your association dues and fees
- View/download the AOAO's governing documents
(including the House Rules)
- View/download Newsletters (in-progress)
- Receive Notices of upcoming events like the monthly BOD's meeting
- View/download AOAO forms, like the Design Modification Form (in-progress)
To enroll in the Front Steps Owner's portal, simply go to the link below. Access should
be via your desktop computer; there is currently no cell phone app to set up your access: 1. Type the following link into your web browser: https://ownerenrollment.hmcmgt.com/ 2. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the set up process.
If you need Front Steps enrollment assistance, then please contact a Hawaiiana Front Steps Account
Specialist at 808-440-5530, Monday -- Friday, between 8:00 A.M. -- 5:00 P.M. HST.

Resident Manager Melanie Joaquin -- effective May 3,
The Cliffside Villages at Waipio's Association of Apartment Owners' Resident
Manager is Melanie Joaquin effective Tuesday, 5/03/2022. Melanie's on-site office will be in L-101. Melanie's office hours are: - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
The office is closed for lunch from 11:30 A.M. until 12:30 P.M.
- Wednesday and Saturday: 7:30 A.M. to 11:30
- Sunday and Hawaiiana Management Holidays:
Melanie's contact information
is: - Office number (L-101): 808-676-6626
- Cell/Text number: 808-292-4820 (can be used for contacting
Melanie after-business hours)
- Direct E-mail: csvrm2022@gmail.com
- Group E-mail (including Board Officers): info@cliffsidevillages.com
always, Residents/Owners can leave letters/documents in the "mailbox" located outside of L-101.
Reporting House Rule Violations or Requesting On Property Maintenance Concerns
To report House Rule violations or request on property maintenance concerns,
please contact Resident Manager Melanie Joaquin during business hours at 808-676-6626. After hours, contact Melanie
at 808-292-4820. For after hours common
area emergencies, if no response from Melanie, then call Hawaiian Management's emergency after hours emergency line at
808-593-9100, select option #1. Call 911
first for emergencies such as fire or criminal activity, then contact Melanie.
Location: CSV homeowners are welcome to attend
the next regularly scheduled Board of Directors' meeting on November 8th, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. The video conference
meeting will be held using Zoom. Owners who would like to attend this virtual meeting must contact Resident Manager
Melanie Joaquin in advance at 676-6626 to obtain the Zoom meeting number and password. For security reasons, Melanie
will furnish this information to Owners on the day of the meeting, between the hours of 5pm - 6pm.
Please contact Hawaiiana
Management, Site Manager or a Board Member for details.
2022 scheduled Board video conf. meeting dates are: January 11, February 8, March 8, April 12, May
10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13.